I first became involved with Orpington College in 1994 whilst I was still in my previous career in the Travel Industry and was looking to move into teaching. There had been an expansion in vocational courses, and I was a guest lecturer at three colleges before starting a CertEd course and taking up a permanent teaching post at Orpington to develop the Travel and Tourism provision I also became an assessor and internal verifier for apprenticeships. I have always been interested in work-related learning. I subsequently moved into Quality and became Quality Manager for the newly merged Orpington and Bromley College in 2011. My specialism is assessment and quality assurance. As the College Lead for external quality assurance, I manage the College's relationship with our awarding organisations and support staff to meet external and regulatory requirements. I have also worked for Pearson as an Associate. My role has evolved, including working on adapting quality processes during the 2016 merger with Greenwich and Bexley to, more recently, the challenge of the external assessment changes during the pandemic. I have a strong interest in qualification reform and development.
Teresa Langford